"The artist is very talented and very nice ! Very nice work! High quality item.So adorable.I am very impressed with her work!"
Ne ho ricevuti diversi di feedback carini, ma è la prima volta che qualcuno mi definisce artista. Mi sono sempre ritenuta creativa, con una mia visione tutta personale delle creazioni, ma artista mi sembra perfino troppo. Autostima 0 o eccesso di lodi?
In ogni caso incasso una splendida recensione e continuo a lavorare ed andare avanti per la mia strada, e chissà, camminando camminando quante scoperte e nuove creazioni salteranno fuori. =)
This morning I received a wonderful feedback:
"The artist is very talented and very nice ! Very nice work! High quality item.So adorable.I am very impressed with her work!"
I have received several feedback cute, but it's the first time someone calls me an artist. I have always considered creative, with a very personal vision of my creations, but artist seems even too. 0 self-esteem or excessive praise?
In any case, I got a very good review and I continue to work and go on my way, and who knows, walking walking how many discoveries and new creations will crop up. =)
Un abbraccio & hug
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